Popup position distorts on dragging List item when autoheight is true


Refer snippet:

I have a button with a popup containing a list view of draggable items with autoheight property set to true.

The popup shows up fine but when a list item is dragged, the popup moves to the center. Works normal without autoheight. Possible bug?

workaround, in case if you need it

@Nastja Sorry I wasn’t clear, try re-ordering the elements within the list by dragging (drag:“order”) inside the popup.
Similar to the second list in the sample below: https://docs.webix.com/samples/22_dnd/02_drag_order.html

@integral Thank you for the workaround, as I said popup remains in the same position if I don’t use the autoheight property.

The problem caused by ‘position:“center”’, on view resize it reposition popup to center. If you want to have popup next to the button, just remove this attribute.
