Data table - enter key accepts and moves down

I have a data table and when editing, I want the enter key to accept the current edit and move down. How can I do that?

You have an editNext function, but no editDown function. Everything seems to assume I want to go right. I need to go down.

I just want to clarify: you want to edit all items in datatable and, at the same time, have the possibility to move down or just edit only in special places in datatable?
On the other hand, the custom behaviour of Enter key can be set as mentioned in the related discussion. Instead of using editNext, you can indicate in which places you want to edit by <a href = "">getEditor</a>(returns editor object and has an ID of an item) and <a href = "">getNextId</a>(returns the ID of an item which is positioned the specified step after the specified item)

When editing a cell in a datatable, when the user hits the enter key, I want to go down, not right.

The point is that editNext opens the next available editor, so if there’s only one column in your datatable is editable, you can simply use the method referenced above.
Here’s a live demo of the scenario where pressing ‘enter’ will open the editor in the below cell
The same methods can be used if you need to switch to the next editable column:

Thanks! That looks like exactly what I need.