FM - Dynamic item menu

How show and hide items in menu dynamically? For example, show delete option only for owners? I tried something like that:

if (conditions)

in onItemSelect() but it works only once and only for file list.

Could you please provide a snippet of your implementation?

Simple example:

How to make “share” option visible only for images in this case (in future I would compare something different like custom isOwner attribute).

It is possible to customize the Actions menu with the help of the menuFilter function that can filter menu items before showing a menu on the page.

id: "fmanager",
    //obj - menu item obj
    var context = $$("fmanager").getMenu().getContext();
    //dataId - id of the clicked data item
    var dataId =;
    if(..some condition ..)
        return false;
    return true;  

The function should return true to show the item, false to hide it.
Here is an example to illustrate the solution according to your description:
You can also check the documentation of the Actions Menu