questions about webix.toPDF

When I use toPDF with a wide datatable, the columns off the page are just lost. Could this create new pages for those columns so they are not lost? Ideally, any frozen columns should appear on each page. Print seems to work this way in one of the samples.

It would also be nice if colspans and rowspans worked. Currently, the PDF just shows everything in the first cell instead of spanning as the datatable has set up.

I use the rotation property in some of my headers. That is also ignored. Would be nice if that was handled so the PDF looked more like the datatable.

Also, the orientation property in options seems to be ignored. The PDF is always in portrait orientation.


We rely on a third-party tool for pdf export. Rotated headers, spans, unfortunately, are not supported on third-party tool.
You can use autowidth: true and orientation: "landscape" in the export options.

Specifying the autowidth parameter to define the columns’ width automatically. By default, the paper size of a PDF document is A4. If you set the autowidth property to true, the columns will be able to have any possible width that will define the width of a PDF page.

webix.toPDF($$("myDataTable"), {

setting the orientation parameter which defines the PDF page orientation: portrait (default) or landscape

webix.toPDF($$("myDataTable"), {

I will try the autowidth property.