Querybuilder bind to list

Hello, is it possible to bind querybuilder to list for updating rules?

Hi @Tiger_dsh, you can use querybuilder with list https://webix.com/snippet/0009ba6c but can you, please, specify what do you mean by “updating rules”(bind querybuilder to list for updating rules)?

@Hanna the goal is use list like in https://webix.com/demos/material/admin-app/#!/app/product_edit but in right part querybuilder except form. For example: you have list of rulesets for rule-based system, in left side we have list of rulesets, in right querybuilder. When we chose ruleset in list it loads rules in querybuilder for further modification

@Tiger_dsh I don’t see any problem to do that if you’ll transform list values into correct querybuilder rules. But, please, notice that we just found a bug in the latest vesion for setting the rules. Please update when the next version will be availiable.

@Hanna do you have example of transformation function? As I understand querybuilder doesn’t use data variable directly is uses functions like setValue / getValue

@Tiger_dsh you are right we need transform it before passing to setValue. We don’t have an example of such transformation function right now, but this is a good idea to add an example with it.
We’ll definitely do it.