Problem with rules when form in fieldset

Hello , I have a problem with invalid messages when a form is in fieldset and when there are two columns , the invalid message is not present in second column.

I give you an simple example :

what’s the problem ?


looks like a bug. actually not related to fieldset. same behavior is in any cols layout. as a workaround you can define inputHeight explicitly in form config:

    view: "form",
    elementsConfig: {

The solution provided by @intregal is correct.

However, we do not consider it as a bug. By default, it is expected that an input will take the size form the height and width properties. inputHeight is an extra setting for dividing the size of the widget from the size of an input rendered in it.

Thus, when the invalidMessage pops up, it triggers resize of the parent layout and all components nested in it will fit the new size. Still, inputHeight has to be set additionally to preserve the precise height of the input regardless of real component’s height.