Webix Jet webpack config

Hello Webix team!

I’m trying to understand WebixJet start app webpack configuration and have some trouble with resolve.alias option.

Could you provide some explanation about “jet-views” and “jet-locales” aliases magic?
Why are we need these aliases?

Best regards

Webix Jet autoload the view classes based on the current page url. For example, in case of “index.html#!/some/page” it needs to load two classes for “some” and “page” elements. Currently, it loads them like


which results in jet-views/some and jet-views/page URL. Because of the alias settings in webpack.config they are loaded from the actual “views” folder

We have used an alias instead of hardcoding “/views” path to make this part configurable. If necessary, you can change webpack.config and define new folders for autoloading views.

Thank you very much for your explanation!