Binding datatable in form bound to other datatable?

I currently have a page with a datatable that loads its data from a URL that returns JSON formatted data that lets a user add,edit and delete entries in the table using a form in a webix.ui window which is bound to the table.

This works fine but I’d like to add a new datatable that shows a list of options that can be toggled using checkboxes, the data for which is included in the original JSON at the moment, and I’m struggling on how to get it to bind to the data like the rest of the form does.

I’ve named the datatable the same as the value array in the JSON but this doesn’t seem to work.

Example JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "An Item",
    "description": "A Description",
    "priority": 0,
    "Options": [
        "id": 1,
        "option": "Option 1",
        "enabled": false
        "id": 2,
        "option": "Option 2",
        "enabled": true
        "id": 3,
        "option": "Option 3",
        "enabled": false

Snippet: Code Snippet

As a solution for adding data to table here is better to use the [setValue]( which sets a new value for the component and [getValue]( returns the current value of the component, i.e. to create a custom component:

    setValue:function(value){ . . . },
    getValue:function(){ . . .  }
}, webix.ui.datatable);

And I just add information about binding rule that can help you. Maybe it’s better to create datatable outside of the form.
Here is an example: