xAxis of line Chart

Hello Friends,

I want to set x axis of my graph to ‘start step’ pattern like in yAxis bu it didnt work: https://webix.com/snippet/bd8079df

Also Is that possible to show some of the xAxis values. Be cause in myReports i got dozens of value and xAxis labels cant read.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @acihank

Please note that start and step in xAxis are supported only for horizontal charts, where x/yAxis config are actually altered.

The basic xAxis has a template which can be set as a function which can return a label depending on some conditions (therefore, you can implement a custom analogue of step).

For example, if the label’s value (integer number) is aliquot to 10:

    template:function(obj){        // obj is the current data item
      return (obj.xValue%10?"":obj.xValue)

@Listopad thank you so much you save me again…