Kanban find / filtered

How is it possible to check out if an item is filtered or use the find method only on not filtered items. It is confusing that the find method results items that are filtered.


There’re two important properties in the component Datastore that store the loaded data and its current filtering/sorting state:

view.data.pull; //hash of all loaded records
view.data.order; //order of visible record ids

The find() method searches over the data pull, which means that it iterates all available records, not only visible ones.

Instead, you can iterate data order to apply the needed logic:

var ids = $$("myBoard").data.order;
for(var i =0; i<ids.length; i++){
   var item = $$("myBoard").getItem(ids[i]);


Please check the snippet: https://webix.com/snippet/c8b3002c

Hello Nastja,
thank you for the snippet. But this is not helpful. My question is how to avoid that find method will give items that are filtered and so invisible.
Alternative is good to know if there is a property of the item that will give me the information whenever a item is filtered or not.

Hello Helga,
that find is looking in the whole data storage is a really ugly bug. Find is only useful for those data the user has access to. If the admin or the user himself decide to sort the data in Kanban for one user, why a find method will also show result for all other users.
I wrote now a complete own method for search in Kanban. However thank you for your answers.