Two (or more) datatables on same page with querybuilder content - bug

Hi Webix team,

I found bug on datatable with querybuilder content on header. When I have two or more datatables on same page (or tab for example), and put some fields on querybuilder from datatable1, and some other fields on querybuilder from datatable2, on all querybuilders on that page, I will have fields from querybuilder from datatable2. I hope you understand what I mean (snippet with example for this - Code Snippet ).

All the best,

Hi @StefanVit,

Thank you for reporting and example, this bug will be fixed

I want to add multiple webix datatable to different tab. I am getting issue over there.

Here is the link you so you can have idea what i want.

Hello @dhaval28691 ,
Please check the sample