Bind form from subview to datatable in parent view dynamically on select event

I render form in subview on onBeforeSelect action using
and bind it to datatable in subview init function, but form doesn’t load data from selected item which triggers first action . It works only if form is already rendered or when second item selected.
Is there any way to fill the form on binding when item is selected?

Loading form dynamically in subview is important for me because i have several tables and i need to load appropriate form for selected table on the fly

P.S. I tried to create snippet but i don’t understand how to load subviews on datatable action, If you have snippet similar to my case please share i try ti reproduce my issue on it

Is there any way to fill the form on binding when item is selected?

You need to add the next line to table’s init

webix.extend($$("table"), webix.BindSource);

Also, while the snippet is fully correct, using a global ID limits reusability of the code. It may have sense to use a model/service instead of the direct binding.