onListAfterDrop not working?

With OnListBeforeDrop everything is fine, but onListAfterDrop is not fired on my board. Any idea?

$$("myBoard").attachEvent("onListAfterDrop", function(context,ev,list){


Is working like a charm:

 $$("myBoard").attachEvent("onListAfterDrop", function(context,ev,list){


Hello I have the same issue.
kanban event onListAfterDrop is not fired

all other events seem to work fine

I really do not understand why those things are not in automatic tests for deployments…however, again I solved it myself…not really professional service.

Take the Kanban.js from Kanban/codebase folder and copy
after onListDragOut
After this the event is available. Have not checked in all ways but console shows the event.


Indeed, it was somehow missed by the tests. Thank you for reporting, we will fix it in the nearest build.

actually the declaration is just missing in kanban.js. If you do not want to wait, do like me :
you look for onListBeforeDrop and add onListAfterDrop definition similarly. I supposed events point on “generic” code in webix.js and that work straight.
That’s a hack but it works :-))