undo on DataCollection

const records = new webix.DataCollection({ url: "/api/records", save: { updateFromResponse: true, url: "/api/records" } }); records.add({}); // API THROWS ERROR records.serialize()

My problem is when api throws an error, I can see the non-added record is still in datacollection.

Is there any way to prevent this behaviour?

const records = new webix.DataCollection({
url: “records”,
save: {
updateFromResponse: true,
url: “records”,
on: {
onBeforeSaveError(id, status, obj, details) {
this.ignore(() => {
if (status == “insert”) {
} else if (status == “update”) {
//records.update(id, olddata);


export default records;

I wrote a solution for insert operation but I cannot do it for update and delete. I need the data before the operation.

Maybe it is good idea to implement webix.Undo to datacollection?

What do you think?

webix.DataCollectionU = webix.proto({
}, webix.DataCollection, webix.Undo);

That solved my problem

Thanks a lot