Esc on window causes a javascript error if there are more listening windows - bug?

If there are more windows which I can close using the Esc key there is the javascript eror

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘dispatchEvent’ of null

It looks like all windows need to be initialized first (e.g. using the show() function) otherwise the exception above appears in the console.

Please see the example below

Click on the popup window which appears and hit Esc. There will be a javascript error.

If you then call show() also on the second window, reload the app, and hit Esc on the first window there will be no error. Possibly a bug?

this bug is related not to multiple windows but the button with hotkey:"esc". as it is not initialized, it populates the error.

Well that’s not a behaviour I would expect - there should be a check so that there is no javascript error if the button isn’t initialised. Any chance this could be resolved in the future releases?


Yep, I can confirm this issue as a bug. We will add a solution for such cases into the next release.