richselect in Datatable works different after columnRefresh()

I have a datatable using richselect, in an onBeforeEditStart Event the options of richselect are set (loaded by Ajax) because options are different for every row.

Works perfect unless a columnRefresh() is executed.
See snippet.

Thanks for bugfix or workaround in advance,

you are trying to have same ids in the options. IMO working of such options is the bug. it would be better if you implement custom editor for this purpose.
or you can preload data for options and parse editor in onAfterEditStart handler

thank you for response.

no, im not going to have same ids in the options. the options have unique ids, but the option list ist variing from row to row.
i’m going to set the option list right before editor is opened (onBeforeEditStart). works perfect … until first columnRefresh() is called.

i don’t understand your suggestion for other way. could you explain?
thank you.

there are old snippets that had this idea already:

and they work…but not if using object data {id:1,value:‘x’} AND refreshColumns();

see here.

anyway, there is a hack for your case

i’ve got found the workaround!

delete colConf.collection;

oh, thanks your respond.
is your hack better than mine (delete entire collection?) for some reason?

I don’t think there is a significant difference. logic is almost the same.