BUG: Datatable getSelectedId returns object instead of value with one row selected


Theoretically it works OK.
When you use returned variable to POST it using webix.ajax().post AJAX request takes object as parameter - not value.
You have to remember to change

var selectedId = $$('grid').getSelectedId()


var selectedId = $$('grid').getSelectedId()

otherwise AJAX will send object

{ "row": 3, "column": "title", "id": 3 }

and you have an error on your backend server, since it expects a value.

I think it is by design.
to prevent such behavior you can concatenate it with empty string
var selectedId = ''+$$('grid').getSelectedId();
or use options var selectedId = $$('grid').getSelectedId(false, true);

Yes but when I see function named getSelectedId I just think that I will get an Id of selected item - as function says. Documentation is sometimes very tricky.
I need to put two parameters just to get what the name says.