BUG : part of the screen is disabled since webix 5.2

I noticed this bug in webix 5.2, waited for the 5.3, but it is still there. The problem is the following (on any of my pages) : if I have a button (for example in a toolbar), or even a text-view which ahs the property ‘disabled:true’, or on which i apply a disable(), then a whole set of elements on the screen is disabled.

I can see that there is after the disabled element a div :

<div class="webix_disabled"></div>

if I change the class to webix_enabled, all the elements on screen are enabled ok.

As it appears in very different contexts in a large application, I could not isolate a short portion of code in a snippet. Anyway, if i put back webix_5_1 everything is OK.

my only workaround is to enable the element always, add a readonly property, and a ‘grey’ css, but that is not perfect, as the focus can get into the element.

Thank you for your help.


Please be sure that you have updated both webix.js and webix.css. If you are using latest webix.js but a previous version of CSS, the issue will really occur.