very newbie question about terminology

I notice that the docs use the terms “component”, “item”, and (yes…) “component item”. It’s not just a matter of phrasing because there seems to be an actual difference in meaning. For example: “If you want to specify the dimensions of an item rather than of a component, include height and width parameters into the component’s type property.”

And then there’s “controls”. Sigh.

Seems like “item” refers to a component or control within a containing component. God only knows what a “component item” might be.

Is there a dictionary or glossary anywhere?


In Sizing Components article and in docs in general, the item is a term related to data components (dataview, datatable, tree and so on) and means a data record rendered in the component. It can be a card of dataview, a row in datatable, etc.

In some paragraphs, items can mean the nested views of a layout, such as set of buttons/icons in the toolbar. The common term is layout elements.

Сontrols are relatively small parts of the UI intended for interaction with users - buttons, inputs, etc. The full list of available controls you can find here.

Component is an alias for Webix widget.