ID from server side

I need add the element of a one datacollection, get ID from server side, add the element of a two datacollection with the last ID form one collection.

How can I do it?

get ID from server side

If data saving is enabled, the backend should return the server-side ID as the newid parameter of server response.
In such case, the item will be updated automatically with the server-side ID.

add the element of a two datacollection with the last ID form one collection

For sharing the data between collections, please consider syncing the data - all updates of the parent collection will affect the linked data sources.

I meant a little another. In my case the data saving is enbled, the collections are linked. Befor getting newid from server time passes, but i need to use newid immediatly in second adding of collention.

For example:

var id_client = clientsСollection.add({
	active: true,
	name: "name",
	id_clien: id_client,
	active: true,
	name: "name",

In this case, “id_clien” of “thingСollection” will be write a temprorary ID, but i need a persistent server ID.

There is no good solution here.
It possible to track ID change by using onIdChange event ( ) but it will result in rather complicated code.

We can extend this a bit in next version so you will be able to use code like next

   active: true,
   name: "name",

  (obj) =>  thingСollection.add({
      active: true,
      name: "name",