Chart dataset keys with special characters

I have a line chart dataset that has keys with special characters in them. For example if the key is “top:sales:1” the value expression value:"#top:sales:1#" does not work.

How do I fix this. The following works.

value:function(obj) {
return obj['top:sales:1'];

But this has a problem that if there is no corresponding value for this key a value of 0 is plotted on the y axis.

So I need help with a template that works or need a way to write the function so that it only includes values when keys exist.

webix.template cuts off some reserved characters - it is a normal behaviour. As for the funciton, false, null or undefined will be recognized as 0, so the only way to skip it is to return an invalid value (such as empty string) for items in question:

value:function(obj) {
   return obj['top:sales:1'] ? obj['top:sales:1'] : " ";