webix-jet custom DataDriver

i have problem using webix-jet and apiato (http://apiato.io/)
in apiato data response:

    "data": [
    "meta": {
        "include": [],
        "custom": [],
        "pagination": {
            "total": 241,
            "count": 30,
            "per_page": 30,
            "current_page": 1,
            "total_pages": 9,
            "links": {
                "next": "http://api.dikampus.local/v1/mahasiswa?page=2"

in webix-jet i have tried to implement custom DataDriver for read meta in apiato response.
this is my script :

export function ApiatoDriver(app) {

	const service ={
			webix.DataDriver.apiato = webix.extend({

				getInfo: function (data) {
					let size, from;

					size = (data.meta && data.meta.pagination.total) ? data.meta.pagination.total : 0;
					from = (data.meta && data.meta.pagination.count) ? data.meta.pagination.count : 0;


					return {
						_size: size,
						_from: from,
						_parent: (data.parent || 0),
						_config: (data.config),
						_key: (data.webix_security)

			}, webix.DataDriver.json);

	app.setService("ApiatoDriver", service);

and in view datatable:
{view:"datatable", id:"table", editable:true, datatype:"apiato"}

but there are some that do not work, ie:

  1. not working serverside filter and sorting
  2. not working dynamicload

please help me, thanks