show a view

this is my code

var menuEsterno = {
	view: "menu", id: "menuEsterno",
	width: 180, layout: "y", select: true,
	template: "<span class='webix_icon fa-#icon#'></span> #value# ",
	data: [
		{ value: "Dashboard", id: "start", icon: "briefcase" },
		{ value: "tablet", id: "mydash", icon: "arrows" },
		{ value: "GridLayout", id: "mygrid", icon: "user" },
		{ value: "processi", id: "data", icon: "envelope-o" },
		{ value: "test", id: "widgets", icon: "briefcase" }
	click: (id) => {; //this work
	on: {
		onMenuItemClick: function (id) {; //this don't work

I don’t understand why in “onMenuItemClick” the function show don’t work

Please check the sample
show method only makes the component visible.
You can get the id by this.getMenuItem(id).id

I use Jet framework and when the user click on a menu item, the relative view should be show in the {$subview:true}.
If I use

click: (id) => {; //this work

the correct page is show
even if I use

on: {
        onMenuItemClick: function (id) {
  ; //this don't work

the correct page isn’t show, and I don’t understand why

Please try this.$
Here is more information. Maybe it helps you to solve it.

I have this error
myapp.js:13026 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘show’ of null
at (myapp.js:13026)
at result._call_onclick (webix_debug.js:10695)
at result.callEvent (webix_debug.js:575)
at result._mouseEvent (webix_debug.js:6806)
at result._onClick (webix_debug.js:6726)
at HTMLDivElement. (webix_debug.js:248)

I try to use your example
// views/toolbar.js
const Toolbar = {
view: “toolbar”,
elements: [
{ view: “label”, label: “Demo” },
{ view: “button”, value:“details”,
click: () => {“data”);
export default Toolbar;

but it doesn’t work, this is the error:

219:13-20 "export ‘toolbar’ was not found in ‘views/toolbar’
@ ./sources/views/top.js
@ ./sources/views ^\.\/.*$
@ ./node_modules/webix-jet/dist/JetApp.js
@ ./node_modules/webix-jet/dist/index.js
@ ./sources/myapp.js
@ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 ./sources/myapp.js

but if I change your code with this:

// views/toolbar.js
export const toolbar = {
view: “toolbar”,
elements: [
{ view: “label”, label: “Demo” },
view: “button”, value: “details”,
click: () => {“data”);
//export default Toolbar;

the toolbar is correctly show but the button don’t work

the error is show only if I use the menu variable into a sidemenu.
If I use it in a cols layout all works fine.
I found that in sidemenu the property $scope of “this” is nothing

If you export a view as default, you need to import it as default, i.e. without { }
If you want to call methods of JetView class, you need to declare your Jet view as a class that extends JetView. A simple object view does not have methods like show().
For example

Class looks like

import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class Toolbar extends JetView {
        return {
            view: "toolbar",
            elements: [
                { view: "label", label: "Demo" },
                { view: "button", value:"details",
                    click: () => {

import Toolbar from "views/toolbar.js";

import {JetView, plugins} from "webix-jet";
import Toolbar from "views/toolbar.js";

export default class TopView extends JetView{
  return {
            { $subview:true } 

And please check this: Page not found - Webix Jet

In addition,
Sidemenu inherits its API from the popup, so it have to be declared correspondingly, while the logic of switching views has to be defined for its content - ui.list, for example.
Please check the following examples: