Resize Issue

Hi Webix team,

In above snippet I am dropping a channel value on table column. It is getting dropped but on resize event of webix window my dropped value is getting removed.


It is getting dropped but on resize event of webix window my dropped value is getting removed
Your drop handler affects only the currently rendered div in template.
The template is a dynamically rendered structure, which will be refreshed on any related event (select, resize, items rearrangement, table scrolling, etc.), so such changes will vanish on any related action.
The template serves as a wrapper for some grid data, so if you need to make such changes, please update the grid data with DnD. To do so, datatable has its own handlers and there is no need to add a custom drop area.
An example of the needed handlers:

Please note that the container can be used only in the very top layout of the UI: webix.ui({ container:"divId", cols:[ ... ] }). Any other options are useless.