Range Charts with multiple series is buggy

I have a chart with multiple series and a range chart. Please see:


The range chart selector seems to be behaving weirdly on the left edge. And I cant see a pattern. Is this expected and why ?


In your code range start and end contain equal values, that’s why frame is collapsed:

//should be different
range:{ start:1528765561059, end:1528765561059  }

Please, try defining different data for start and end: https://snippet.webix.com/xo2v42nh

@Helga You did not understand my problem. I realize that the range shows up bad at the beginning. Even in your example, if I want to select the last point on the blue series and points 3,4,5 on the red line, I cannot do that in anyway. I think that is because it locks on to points and gets confused when multiple series are used.