Active content: datatable columns scroll

I added active content in data table. Last three columns are active content with button. Sometimes when I try to scroll last column would not scroll. If there is only two active content columns, scrolling is fine.

I tried to debug. Webix in debug mode says “TypeError: config is undefined”. Is this webix bug or I missed something?

Some additional data.

Line 4627 “var node = webix.toNode((config.container||parent)||document.body);” is problematic.

I tried load datatable data in init() method (I use webix jet) and it seems that is working now. Looks like data is loaded too soon, before content is ready or something like that.

We have checked it in the non-Jet environment and everything is working fine:

You can try the earlyInit:true setting for active content elements, however, with Jet views it is recommended to load data in the init handler.

Thank you for your response. ‘earlyInit:true’ this doesn’t help. Loading data in init() works. I will use it like this.

It is really strange that this doesn’t appear every time and not in all datatables.