How can I save the subview Data within datatable?

When I use the datatable subview, I have a problem.
When I click the subview or after edit the subview, I want to get the id of superstructure which is operated ( THE SUBVIEW ). I used the function: this.getMasterView(), but it just got the whole datatable.
So, how can I save the subview Data within datatable?

in onSubViewCreate you need to pass current row id (or even total row, usually when subview update does not reflect on masterview) to subview and then use it to update

    onSubViewCreate: function(view, item) {
        view.$masterItemId =;
        //or view.$masterItem = item;
        //other subview operations
whenUpdate: function() {
    this.getMasterView().updateItem(this.$masterItemId, {fieldName:this.serialize()});
    //or this.$masterItem.fieldName = this.serialize();