Webix jet url params and urlChange

If I try to open page with app.show(); from another page. Function urlChange in JetView is called twice. First time url and parameters are fine. But than it get called second time, now without parameters. This also happens with subview (no subview second time).

If I enter url in browser manualy its get called just once. Why is getting called twice?


We’ve tried it locally as well as in the snippet, and the app.show() method works expectedly and triggers a single urlChange call for each module listed in the path.

E.g. app.show("top/start") - triggers urlChange in top.js and starts.js (subview) modules.

If the issue persists, could you please share your code? And please check Jet version, now the latest one is 1.5.3.

It was problem somewhere else. In main app I have “urlChange” method which select correct menu item according to url (so if you enter url in urlbar). But this select called event “onAfterSelect” and again open url with “show” method. I prevented that and now it all works fine.

Thanks for help, anyway.