Pivot popup - how to hook up to operations list view?

Hey there guys!
I need to display an icon next to one of the operations in pivot popup operations list:

How can I hook up to it?

Hi there Helga!
Many thanks for a quick reply!
Actually both snippets do not solve my problem. I need to display an icon in dropdown popup list, not next to selected operation in values view (check attached image from my previous post). I know how to hook up to values view (it is described in documentation), but I wasn’t able to find any mentions in docs about how to hook up to dropdown popup list view.
Thanks in advance!


The quickest way is to add an icon to this particular operation globally, via the fieldMap setting: https://snippet.webix.com/3i9giehc

If you just want to add an icon into a specific list, change the template of the needed list (not that beautiful): https://snippet.webix.com/ba2w40z8


Sorry for misunderstanding. This list is not supposed for being configured, and moreover, it is recreated each time it is shown.

However, if going deep into internals, there’s a way to get a public solution for your use case: https://snippet.webix.com/2afa51xi

Hey there Helga!
Thank you very much! You are awesome :smile: