When use TAB between cells in datatable onAfterEditStart dont work correctly


I have a datatable with two rows, key, value in onAfterEditStart event i have this code:

 onAfterEditStart: function (id) {
                    columEditing = id.column;
                    var record = this.getItem(id);
                    oldKeyValue = record.key;
                    oldValue = record.value;

When i mouse click in cell variable record is show correct value , but when change of cell using TAB keyboard get this error

columedition value //OK

id [object Object] // Object not number then error

TypeError: record is undefined,

Thanks in advance.

Find my mistake, but i dont understand why work with first colum but not with second colum.

I change
var record = this.getItem(id);
var record = this.getItem(id.row);



There’s a minor bug in the inner logic, we will fix it in the next update. In general with Datatable it is safer to use id.row, as its items have object ids that point to cells, like { row:1, column:1}.

ok , thanks so much