Webpack integration

Hi all,

I’m planning to use webpack on my project but I can’t figure out how to handle webix the right way.

Basically, I just have to set webix as a plugin in the webpack configuration but as I looked into webix sources (webix.js) it isn’t possible.

Is there a way to do it ?


        resolve: {
            plugins: [
            extensions: [...],
            alias: {
                /*if (jet is used) {*/
                "jet-views": path.join(scriptsPath, "views"),
                "jet-locales": path.join(scriptsPath, "locales"),
                /*} */
                webixMain: path.join(webixPath, isProduction ? "webix" : "webix_debug"),
                webix: webixPath

input file

import "webixMain";
import "webix/skins/flat.css";

Thank you @intregal I also found another solution which is to pass webix as an entry like:

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        vendor: [
        app: ["./client/app.js"]
// ...