Datatable scroll

Hi Webix team,

In this snippet is it possible to scroll both the datatable by using scroll of second datatable? I dont want to show scroll for first datatble.
though, you are not able to scroll first table by mouse wheel

Thanks intregal

Hi Webix team,

When I drop multiple channel on datatable then scroll height of 2 datatable becomes unequal.

If you are adding or deleting element from one table, you need to do the same for the second table, to sync the height of scrollable elements.

You can use the onStoreUpdated of $$(“abc”).data event for such a task.

Also, using dynamic loading and adding data to the grid in the same time ( as in your sample ) can be problematic, as server side returns data back based on row indexes, which are affected by the data adding | removing.

If you need just to reload data from the drop handler, be sure to use .clearAll() before .parse or .load calls.