BUG : datatable selectable + activecontent

With 5.4.2 , and before, here is the bug


When clicking to button (active element), if datatable is selectable (row in my case), this.config.$masterId return null. If not selectable , his.config.$masterId return id.

Thanks to fix it :slight_smile:


Please check the next snippet - it is the recommended approach for adding buttons into the rows of datatable.

Yes i know. It’s what i have done.
But with Active Content, there is a bug

Same problem with Checkbox

How do you resolve this problem ?
{common.checkbox()} doesn’t draw the good theme.
Active Content is great because you don’t have to draw controls yourself.

Please fix the bug.

Checkbox in a datatable is a common use case, so it has its own shortcut common.checkbox()
