Change request : Counter control

Hi, I’ve to use protoUI to create my own “counter” to use Decimals. (For price changes). (Format the value, decimals (positive or negative), decimalsign, step size).

Would it be possible to add this kind functionality in the base class?


Counter sound like it is a numeric input control, but inside it says:

html += common._baseInputHTML(“input”)+" id=’"+id+"’ type=‘text’ class=‘webix_inp_counter_value’ aria-live=‘assertive’"+" value=’"+value+"’>";

On a keyboardless device like, a tablet, it won’t show (only) the numeric keyboard.
I think it’s better to make the input control type:“number”

Probably the best approach in your case will be to use the view:“text”

  • you can define input format
  • you can define type:“number” and step values, so input will produce a keypad on touch devices