how to call function on external file?

I have a simple html file with a function called add1 and a button. The file includes a separate javascript file. All that file has is 1 function called add2. if I call both add1 and add2 from the main file there is no problem. Everything works as expected. If however I use webix button to call the external function add2, it doesn’t work. i can only call add2. Here is some snipped of code

//main file
    function add1(x, y) {
    	console.log(x + y);
    webix.ready(function() {
    	gridb = new webix.ui({
    		container : "testB",
    		view : "button",
    		value : "ADD",
    		align : "center",
    		click : "add(100, 200);",  //changing to click : "add2(400, 600);" does not works
    		width : 200

//imported file
function add2(x, y) {
  	console.log(x + y);

In the example above I will see in the console 33 as expected. However, if I change the webix button click line to the external function add2 (click : “add2(400, 600);”, It simply doesn’t work. If however, I put add2(400, 600); inside of add1 this does works. Why??

    function add1(x, y) {
    	console.log(x + y);
            add2(1000, 2000); //This works

sorry, the line where it says click : “add(100, 200);”, //changing to click : “add2(400, 600);” came incomplete. It should had said that changing add1 to add2 does not works. Also, the code should had said add1 not just add.

Problem must be caused by the visibility scope
When you are using

click : "add(100, 200);"

Code is evaluated in the global scope and will work correctly only if function add is globally visible.

If you have something like

webix.ready(function() {
      function add2(){ ... }

function add2 is defined inside of separate scope and will not be visible for the above click handler.