How to set padding or margin indivisual widgets.

Layout has padding properties. but each child doesn’t have it.
We want to set padding or margin specific child.
But there is no property for that.
So I set CSS for that. but It makes another effect.
In the sample.
for ‘dtable2’ If I set margin-left, regardless of margin-right, right edge gets hidden.

Is there any good way for set padding or margin indivisually?

Second question.
I don’t know the rule of setting border.
Webix has borderless property. but I can’t find set border each edge.
border-left? border-top?
and Depending situtation, sometimes border-left ON? sometimes off, other edge as well. What is the rule? and Can I set indivially?
If I set by CSS, something that I don’t want heaven. for example, If I set border left 1px, right side 1px is hidden.

Thank you for reading my question.

Yeap, it’s possible to use padding and margin in layout. Datatable doesn’t support such properties. As a solution, you can try to use ui.spacer.
As to the question about borders. It’s possible to define different border types. You can find information here.

Thank you. Nastja

                cols: [
                                rows: [
                                    gridTB8000device.getPagerConfig({height: 32}),
                            {width:4}, <- it is ui.spacer. isn't it?
                    {view: "resizer", borderless: true},

This code intend to make horizontal space from gridTB8000device.wbGrid and resizer.

Is this right way to use spacer?

Hi @sean,

Yep, this is the correct approach.
The spacer will be automatically initialized once you declare an object without view property. Still, you can type view:"spacer" as well.

In order to clarify the available options, please refer to the following snippet:

Code Snippet