Inline style

Why in most of the Webix control we are using inline styles?

For example text control DOM looks like following. Can we configure Webix not to use inline style?
here is the code snip-it of Text Control

<div class="webix_view webix_control webix_el_text" view_id="label" style="border-width: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: -1px; width: 669px; height: 38px;"><div class="webix_el_box" style="width:669px; height:38px"><label style="width: 80px;text-align: left;line-height:32px;" onclick="" for="1533278343377" class="webix_inp_label ">Text</label><input id="1533278343377" type="text" value="test" style="width: 585px; text-align: left;"></div></div>


Most of the inline CSS rules define width, height, margins and paddings that are set by JS logic when the related HTML is generated. Widgets calculate their sizes with respect to margins and paddings based on JSON config you provide for them.

By the way, that is why we do not recommend to reset these sizes in stylesheets: JS logic cannot read from .css files.

Can we configure Webix not to use inline style?

Unfortunately, that’s not possible.