How to transpose a datatable?


I have datatable with long list of columns, therefore I want to transpose the table so that the columns are vertically arranged on the side instead of horizontally above.

Datatable snippet :

Please help if there is any way to achieve it.



You can achieve a transposed datatable by converting its data in the following way: Code Snippet. But please note that you will not be able to use header sorters and filters in this way, and will have to implement custom ones by API.

It is of the following structure:

 $('#myDataTable tbody').on('click', ' + tr td.details-control', function () {
            var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
            var row = table.row(tr);
            if (row.child.isShown())
                // This row is already open - close it
            else {
                // Open this row
              var batata=  $('#myDataTablex').DataTable({
                    "bFilter": false,
                    "bSort": false,



                  "aoColumns": [
                 ......columnByColumnDefinitions here...]


Hi Helga,

It is working fine for me. However, if the maintable columns and value changes (lets say for a particular case or input) then the transposed table is not able to show the data , it is only showing the table columns on the LHS.
I noticed that for me there is no source[i].id, it is only webix.uid(), so the values are not coming. Even in your snippet if I only use var id = webix.uid() instead of the ternary operator, it is not working . Please see this snippet :

Hi gracylayla , could you please explain little bit what is this $(’#myDataTable tbody’) or may be a snippet?

Thanks both of you.

Hi Helga,

If I do not have any ‘id’ as key and using the webix.uid() , the values are not rendering, what should I do in that case? Snippet :

you must not use plain webix.uid(); in your case.
your id should be common for row.
use array index or set row id if it is absent