datatable's cell clicking and popover problem - in hover option.

We are struggling with datatable’s some feature - ‘a link’, ‘popover’.
A link’s clicking doesn’t work well in IE or Edge.
We found out it is related to option ‘hover’ and ‘select:row’.
We use option ‘hover’, clicking cell doesn’t work well Edge or IE (chrome is OK)
So we checked out solution that webix offered using ‘onMouseMoving’.
In that case, clicking problem solved. but still problem left with bootstrap popover.
(I think any ui library can cause problem besides bootstrap)

If you use ‘hover’ and ‘select:row’ together , you can’t avoid trouble.
Can you offer the solution?

This is the sample. You’d better test in IE or Edge not chrome.

The datatable repaints row on selection, which can cause issues with external libraries. Instead of inlining js code you can use the next approach

       "action-title":function(id, ev){
     columns: [
       {id:'title', width:300,
        template: "<a class='action-title'>#title#</a>"