MouseEvents for Window

Hello. How can I use MouseEvents for my / extension of existing components (For example, window, and specifically I need a double click on the header)? As far as I understand, I need the “_id” property (webix UI v.5.4.0 GPL> webix_debug.js l.6818) which is not available in production mode. Is it possible to make this property not “private”? Or maybe there is another way to solve the problem?

If you have one or a few active zones, it will be more simple to use native HTML events

$init: function(){
   webix.event( this.$view.querySelector(".some_element"), "dblclick", handler)

MouseEvents has a sense when you have multiple elements ( like in a list or a grid ) with similar behavior.

Unfortunately “dblclick” does not work for Apple devices like IPad.

Check the next snippet

The mixin was designed for data component, so to use it on window, you need to create a fake locate method. After that, you can use onDblClick and onClick to define handlers for css marked areas.

If I try to add something to the header, I will receive a duplication of events:
That’s why

 I need the "_id" property (webix UI v.5.4.0 GPL> webix_debug.js l.6818) which is not available in production mode.

I need the “_id” property

I don’t see how it will solve the issue

Please check the updated snippet - you can get the clicked widget name/id and run or silence action based on it.

Thank you! Your approach is working. I’ll try to use it.
P.S. “_id” would help on line 6819 trg.getAttribute(this._id)