Webix Jet 1.x without node.js and webpack


As the title says, Is it possible? Like the old Webix Jet 0.x?

My use case:

I develop Spring Boot application using Spring Tool Suite and want to deploy
webix jet module as separate javascript files.

  • It is much easier if I can edit views file on Spring Tool Suite.

  • as part of application logic, I want to return view from my controller.

Later on if application is ready for production I will use minified version of npm run build.


Webix Jet uses es6, so it will not work without transpiler

If you are interested only in modern browsers with native es6 support, it possible to run the code without the bundler, similar to the way how jet snippets work ( https://snippet.webix.com/jetmenu ), still it means placing all functionality in a single js file which will result in a mess for any non-trivial app.

If you need to implement very simple functionality, it has sense to init webix components directly, instead of using Webix Jet.