order list server side

I use webix with great satisfaction and I really like it. I need a little help.
I have to create a list in which it is possible to drag the elements, changing their order of appearance, and in real time update their position in the table (item order field) in the database from which the list was extracted.
I would need to do this using the grouplist statement and the order must be determined by the progressive value contained in the MySql table inside the field: article order field.

MySql table example

order, item name
1, art 1
2, art 2
3, art 3

I want to move art 3 to position 1 and slide art 1 and art 2 down one position.
It can be done??
Thank you


Thank you
up to this point it is clear.
but I did not understand how I can update the MySql database.
I thought of an instruction like: “UPDATE db_prodotti SET order = ‘$ order’ WHERE id = ‘$ id’” inserted in a PHP script.

maybe I have to insert in:

on {
onAfterDropOrder: function (id, newPos, event) {
webix.message (“Update DB now: id =” + id + “, newPos =” + newPos + “, newevent =” + event)
save: “rest-> data / data_lista_prodotti_REST.php”

thank you

on {
     onAfterDropOrder: function (id, newPos, event) {
        webix.ajax().post("data/data_lista_prodotti_REST.php", {id:id, newPos:newPos}).catch(function(){
    webix.message("Something is wrong");

thank you for your availability. I ask you another information about the grouplist. I can not apply the drag and drop function and then update the position in the database. how can i thank you.