webix + cordova + ios = mess

I can’t understand, the click (tap) on buttons fires multiple times. To make my app to work I had to wrap each onItemClick into a setTimeout of 500 ms, I purchased til the 5.2.1 pro (and I am still using it) and everything was fine, now on simulator and iphone it’s a mess

Any idea?

also modal message box send his click event to underlying layout, how can I stop click propagation?

I can’t understand, the click (tap) on buttons fires multiple times.

Actually, it must not do so. The single click must produce a single event.
If you have the issue on touch devices, try to use the latest Webix ( you can try GPL version ), it has some changes related to the “fast click” processing, which can fix the issue.

also modal message box send his click event to underlying layout
All webix widgets do not block event by default
You can use something like next

var box = webix.confirm(config);
webix.event(box, "click", webix.html.stopEvent);


var box = webix.ui(modal_window);
webix.event(box.$view, "click", webix.html.stopEvent);

Maksim thank you for your answer, I’ll try your hints.

I discovered the all troubles started since the following message raised multiple times while debugging with browser:

[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See Chrome Platform Status

which I think it is related to ovescrolling

Latest browsers engine changed heavily, in example all webix samples on my ipad air 2 ios 12 can’t work because of bouncing top/bottom refresh. I can’t swipe list or datatable (I resolved this problem within phonegap but not for Safari)


[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See Chrome Platform Status

This is a known issue and it has already been resolved in 5.4.2 Pro. For GPL edition the fix will appear in the upcoming 6.0 version.

With 6.3.1 no problems.
