Webix Jet calling subviews

I used routing method with this.show() which creates a new subview.
How can I call function of my subview.

You want to navigate to subview and call its method after that?

this.show("./some", { target: name }).then( _ => {

Please update to latest version of webix jet if above doesn’t work for you ( in some older versions this.show doesn’t provide a correct promise )

Also, check the code which you are using, most probably instead of external call, you can move the necessary logic in init method of subview

//inside of SomeView
    const id = this.getParam("id");
    if (id){
       this.$$("data").load( model.getInfo(id) );

I have a combo in my parent view, and whenever i change combo value, I want to call someFunction of my subView.

the way with “target: name” did not work for me.

Instead, i could call my subviews function with this below:


the method above is calling my subViews function. Is it the right way to use it?

this._subs.default must be equal to this.getSubView()

Also, in your case you still can write code without direct view interactions.
In combo

{ view:"combo", on:{
    onChange: (value) => this.app.trigger("MasterChange", value)

in sub view

    this.app.on("MasterChange", value => this.doSome(value));

Oh, shit. I could only use this.getSubView() without any params. Ive tought that i have to pass name or id of my subView in order to use getSubView(someParameter).
Thanks a lot.