External store bind (Datatable/List)

Hello! Please tell me how to do it right:

  1. Dynamic data loading from external storage (#mastertable does not load data)
  2. Data sorting (#mastertable does not sort data / #table1 error while sorting)
  3. Working data binding for list


3. Working data binding for list
The list must have an additional property. dynamic

Hello @lBeJIuk ,

  1. Dynamic data loading from external storage (#mastertable does not load data)

The point is that dynamic loading - it’s a feature of the widgets only
So if you want to use dynamic loading in datatables, you should add url to each column like

   id: 'mastertable',
   url: '...',


   url: '...',

Sample: Code Snippet

  1. Data sorting (mastertable does not sort data / table1 error while sorting)

Concerning to the first datatable: our server does not handle a sort request

table1 error while sorting

autoConfig sets sorting client

So you need to add server sorting and configure your server correctly

@Nastja With server side sorting also not working


Ok, if you remove datacollection and add url to each column it will work
Please check https://snippet.webix.com/mrui3k7h