find label text of scrollviewbody


I am using drag and drop. How to find a label text of a Scrollview ?

Here is the code snipped.

I want to find a label text in drop event? and also how to pass our own data to attacheevent?

attachEvent is not the place to pass data
you can send custom arguments in callData
but if you want to send some custom data while dragging then use onBeforeDrag event

Thank you Very very very much.

  1. I need a label for a dropped target row.

e.g. i am dragging image from Row 1(Favorites) into Row 2(Action). i want to get a dropped row target Label?

  1. And also can you please provide example for reading items of a listview.

I tried with below code but its working only for “datatable” not for listview?

                  function (row) {

           }); - Code Snippet

var target = this