How to handle a proxy result without errors if the server returns an array.

Good afternoon.

  1. On the server we send the changes made in the table
  2. The server processes the data and returns an array of fields that need to be updated in the table.

A proxy was written (by virtue of my abilities), but as a result an error appears in the console:

webix.debug.js:8327 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘_in_progress’ of null
at result._innerProcessResult (webix.debug.js:8327)
at result.processResult (webix.debug.js:8361)
at Object.result (admin:386)
at result._processResult (webix.debug.js:8372)
at ajax.success (webix.debug.js:8301)
at Function.ajax.$callback (webix.debug.js:1628)
at XMLHttpRequest.x.onreadystatechange (webix.debug.js:1520)

Tell me what was done wrong and how to get rid of this error?

code of interaction with the server, you can look here:

Perhaps solved the problem. But I do not know correctly or not.
It was necessary to abandon dataprocessor

Here are the changes you need to make:

if (_.isArray (objData)) {
             for (var i = 0; i <objData.length; i ++) {
                 //dp.processResult(objData[i], objData [i], {text: text, data: data, loader: loader});
                 view.updateItem (objData [i] .id, objData [i])
         } else {
           // dp.processResult (objData, objData, {text: text, data: data, loader: loader});
                 view.updateItem (, objData);


updateItem will update the data, but all dataprocessor logic (events/tracking errors) will be lost. Although this solution suits for a simple data update, it may be not sufficient enough.

In order to test the behaviour of processResult, could you please provide an example of the server-side response?