How to pass initialization parameters to Views created with this.ui()?

I’ve been working with the “Popups and Windows” page to try and get a Jet View to work as a popup. Specifically, the “Windows as Jet View Classes” section here:

This works pretty well, but I would really like to know how to pass in values to the constructor() and/or init() functions for the View that will be a popup or window!

Is there any way to pass values into the View instantiation?

One way I thought would would be good is to pass init args into the this.ui() call, but the only other arg is the container arg.

Below is an example of what I’m trying to do. In this specific case I would like to pass the onOk and onCancel callbacks into the constructor for my OkCancelWindow view. Since I cannot, I’m forced to attach them after instantiation. Although this works, it is not ideal.



Please try this Code Snippet

Great! Thank you! That makes perfect sense.