Disable Browser Resize

My app is pretty heavy and when the user resizes the browser it gets a little slow and clunky. I would like to improve the user experience by disabling webix resizing until after the user has released the mouse button on a drag resize of the browser window. Any help on a good approach to this would be appreciated.


There’s no recommended methodology in Webix, but you can do it with the following trick:

  • Place your app in the HTML container (DIV). Generally, it is not advised, as it makes the application not responsive to window resizing, but in your case, it is just what is needed.
  • Listen to window “resize” event and set a timeout to implement the “done resizing” event. In the event handler, resize the top Webix view to adjust the whole application to the new window size.

Here’s the snippet (try dragging the code/preview resizer to see the trick in action): Code Snippet

Thanks Helga, this gives me the direction I needed. Appreciate the help.