Unhelpful error in certain version of Webix

I’m trying to use a simple combo editor in a datatable (snippet), and I get this error:

Option with ID doesn’t exist

What option? What ID?

  1. Can this error be made more helpful?
  2. Why does it happen only in certain Webix builds? I see it happening in my Pro build 6.0.7, and if I select the GPL build in the snippet, but not if I select the Pro build in the snippet.

Tags should have a string as value. Webix tries to convert the array into a string and searches for an item with specified ID. The error message will make more sense if you set tags: '1' for example.

Edit: tags: 'friend'would work too

@Jendrik: I’m not sure I understand… can you give as an example a corrected snippet?

Why should tags be a string?

  1. The documentation for the combo editor says that options must be an array of objects or [presumably strings, right now there’s invalid code there], and @Maksim gave an array of objects as an example in his snippets.

  2. My snippet works with options being an array of strings and tags being [], if you select Webix Pro instead of Webix GPL.


I was talking about the value in data[]. Sry for misunderstandings

looks like snippet’s GPL version (v6) uses nonminified version which shows warning on unexisted value.
initial value of tags is [] (empty array) and it is not existed in options.
v6 GPL (nonminified only) shows warning, while PRO does not.
nevertheless warnings should be more descriptive.

OK, data[x].tags being '' makes sense. I was thinking of [] instead because I want to use actual tags (multicommbo). Any idea how I can do that?

And agree that the error message should be clearer.